Lying down: Lie face down on a pillow; have the recovering side of your face hang off the edge of the bed. This helps reduce pain and keeps pressure off your operated eye. Anytime: Use special equipment that can make it easier to stay face down or sideways. You can rent or buy equipment such as: Face-down chairs.Click to see full answer. Consequently, how should I sleep after retinal surgery? The four common postoperative surgical positions are: Do not lay on either side or look up. At night it may be helpful to sleep in a recliner or propped up against some pillows to maintain your position. Look down towards the floor. Keep your face as parallel as possible to the floor.Furthermore, how long does it take to recover from vitrectomy surgery? Often, eye drops will be prescribed to help prevent infection and to reduce inflammation. In general, the full recovery process for vitrectomy surgeries takes between 4 to 6 weeks. Likewise, how long do you have to lay face down after retina surgery? After macular hole surgery, it is common to have to position face down for 1 week. Your surgeon will go over the needed time with you.Why do you have to keep your head down after eye surgery?After retina surgery, you will need to keep your head in a face-down position. This is because a gas bubble has been put in your eye. Recovering with your head down allows the bubble to float into the correct position. The bubble holds the retina in place to heal correctly.