James Gunn, the man responsible for directing Guardians of the Galaxy Volumes 1 and 2, has been fired from the third Marvel's installment of the series due to tweets regarding sexual assault and pedophilia, which ere considered 'indefensible and inconsistent' by Disney.
The tweets, which Gunn considered only as jokes, were reportedly posted between 2008 and 2011, but only now have they come to light, costing the Hollywood director his job.
According to Gunn, who took to Twitter to respond to the situation, he started his career as a 'provocateur' and by 'making movies and telling jokes that were outrageous and taboo.'
The 51-year-old followed the first tweet with a series of other posts in which he explained why he didn't engage in such controversial scenarios anymore and how he had outgrown that behavior.
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Gunn thoroughly believes that he no longer feels the need to say or do something shocking in order to get a reaction out of the masses, which was he used to do in his younger years.
"As I have discussed publicly many times, as I’ve developed as a person, so has my work and my humor. It’s not to say I’m better, but I am very, very different than I was a few years ago."
The director and screenwriter went on to say that he used to base his work on anger, but that now he had turned the page and used love and connection to create his art.
Gunn was recently expected to appear at Sony's Comic-Con panel at Hall H, as part of a footage presentation of Venom and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, even though neither of which is directed, produced nor written by him, but didn't show up.
This wasn't the only time that Gunn was involved in a controversy, though; back in 2011, he apologized for a blog that was severely criticized for being sexist and homophobic, in which the 51-year-old described Batgirl, a teenage mother in the comics, as 'easy,' and called Gambit, from X-Men, a 'Cajun fruit.'